
second issue of four languages magazine

19/03/2011 13:05
Someone was working very hard and ... our second issue is here! You can see it in Magazine section - 2.issue! Thanks for it to our partners and MIRKA!

First English - Czech - Slovak - Polish issue is here ...

21/02/2011 16:46
My collegue was working hard and she made a nice first issue of our newspaper. She used most of the news from our schools - Polish, Slovak and Czech. The first issue of newspaper is also written in those 4 languages. It is fun, we use it in lessons, especially Czech and English.


11/01/2011 14:25
My collegue started to wotk on first issue of our newspaper. So partners, if you have something interesting to put in, just save it on twinspace, or send it us.


11/01/2011 14:22
... our neighbours team started to respond. Our new partner school from Slovakia is from Bosany. They wrote us some e-mails, where they introduce themselves and some reports. Thank a lot, partners. The other team from Slovakia put on our twinspace a letter about their school. So it looks,...

Are we famous?

31/12/2010 10:17
There was an article in local newspaper "Chrudimsko" - about eTwinning on our school.  

Problems with our partners

31/12/2010 09:35
We had problems with our slovak partners. After our eTwinning marathon, when we contacted them, they stopped to react. So we had to find new partners. Fortunately it was very quick. And now we have new Slovak partners from Bosany. It's a pitty, that we still don't have Polish partners. We have to...

eTwinning marathon 25.10.2010

01/11/2010 08:18
We had an eTwinning marathon on our school. More about it you will find in section eTwinning marathon - day "D".

eTwinning Label

24/10/2010 00:13
Our school got eTwinning Label for our project Knowing personalities. More about it and photo with a certificate you can find in Czech Team - eTwinning Label.

eTwinning marathon 2010

24/10/2010 00:11
We are getting ready for eTwinning marathon 2010. On our school it will be at 3 o'clock to 6 o'clock on Monday 25th of October. More about Marathon you can find in section Czech Team - eTwinning Marathon.


05/10/2010 18:13
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